November 9, 2007

A Little Peace'll Cost Ya

100 : Approximate # of times Jäger had the runs in the last 3 days

6 : # of times he didn't make it past the threshold

$210 : Ridiculous amount spent on the veterinarian visit

: Cost of one BadA** Jäger-can't-get-into-this-mother trash can (which, by the way looks AMAZING in our kitchen and increased the value of our home by an estimated 2%)

The price of a good nights sleep and coming home to poop-free floors : Priceless. Or $350. I still can't decide.


Melanie said...

Wow! A trash can with a 10 year warranty! You guys have definitely moved up in the world!

Marc said...

increased the value of our home by an estimated 2%

Huh?! What Realtor have you been talking to? Does he/she smoke crack?

melbo said...

That's why I said "estimated" silly.